Coverage Test

You are obviously here because you want better, more reliable, faster mobile coverage/data speed.  You will see from our site that we are mobile coverage experts and we have quite a few different solutions for you.  So if you don't want to read through our site, no problem, just complete the form below, and one of our Radio Technicians will reply back to you with what we think is the best solution for you. You can then decide to come back to us if you want to go ahead.-

So how do we test your coverage?  We have access to Spark, Vodafone, and 2degrees coverage simulation tools.  With the help of these coverage tools, Google earth, our Case Studies , product knowledge, and previous satisfied Cellutronics customers in your area we can provide you with what we think will be the best product to fix your coverage and/or data issue.  If we don't think we can fix it, we will also tell you that too.

Coverage tests are $40 and we endeavour to get back to you by the following day with our recommendation. We also have a full site report service available for $150 that includes tower locations and aiming suggestions, site review, and recommended solutions.